The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Б/У)


Имеет незначительные дефекты и потёртости обложки.

Мягкий переплёт, 816 страниц, на английском языке.

At last in paperback in one complete volume, here are the five classic novels from Douglas Adams’ beloved Hitchhiker series! Seconds before the Earth is demolished to make way for a galactic freeway, Arthur Dent is plucked off the planet by his friend Ford Prefect.

Together they stick their thumbs to the stars and begin a wild journey through time and space. Their outrageous adventures are chronicled in “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Universe,” “The Restaurant at the End of the Universe,” “Life, the Universe and Everything,” “So Long, and thanks Thanks for All the Fish,” and “Mostly Harmless.”

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